Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fiber for Vegetarians

We have all seen people emphasize health benefits of a high fiber meals, so what exactly are these benefits? Fiber enables proper function of your digestive tract. It also reduced the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes. According to the Mayo Clinic women should try and eat at least 21 to 25 grams of fiber daily, and 30 to 38 grams for men.

So one of my resolutions this year was to quit meat, and another one was to reduce processed food. So the options I am providing you are Vegetarian and Vegan friendly. A few things from the list below that I use on a daily basis are: Apple, Avocado, Blackberries, Cherries, Coconut Water, Mango, Nectarine, Pear, Raspberries, Spinach, Strawberries etc. Don't have time to eat them, well make a smoothie and drink it up!

Wanting to change your eating lifestyle is a slow process. Take it one step at a time. Here is a detailed list of fiber content in food items that are readily available.

Source: Mayo Clinic


  1. That is a great information! I am a sucker for fitness articles <3


    1. I am glad you enjoyed it!BTW, I absolutely LOVE your website :)
