Monday, December 10, 2012

Allowing Yourself to CHEAT!!

Allowing Yourself to CHEAT … on a diet!

Most diets fail because there is NO room for error … so let’s cheat!

Rose Petal Ice Cream from a local dessert store
No, this is not rewarding yourself! Just allow yourself to eat one cheat meal or dessert once a week. I personally love to eat out, mainly because I love a variety in my food palette. I am fortunate enough to have a job that allows me to be off on Saturday and Sunday. Most of my day on Saturday is spent grocery shopping and prepping meals for the rest of the following week. I allow myself to relax on Saturday evening and feel like I deserve the “Cheat Meal” at this time of the week.

Portion control is crucial here. Even though I eat my meal outside, I make sure it’s not an enormous meal portion. I typically eat at places that are semi-healthy. For instance Instead of McDonalds Big Mac or Popeye’s Fried Chicken; I opt for Tazikis or Chipotle or a kid scoop of ice cream at Baskin Robins. This has helped me stay on track during the rest of the week.

I would love to hear what your cheat meals are like. Feel free to leave me a comment! 


Heeral P. 


  1. I cheated today :)

  2. I totally love rose flavored ice cream. :) I definitely agree, cheating once in a while is okay!
